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Billie Eilish x ILLENIUM - Happier Than Ever x Hearts On Fire (Johnny Chay Mashup) — Lyrics


This is for the hearts on fire

Im happier than ever

This is for the hearts on fire

Im happier than ever

You called me again, drunk in your Benz

Driving home under the influence

You scared me to death, but I'm wasting my breath

'Cause you only listen to your fucking friends

I don't relate to you

I don't relate to you, no

'Cause I'd never treat me this shitty

You make me hate this city

And I don't talk shit about you on the internet

Never told anyone anything bad

'Cause that shit's embarrassing, you were my everything

And all that you did was make me fucking sad

I wish you could read my mind (read my mind)

Or give me a sign (give me a sign)

Or tell me you wanted to be mine (be mine)

This is for the hearts on fire (hearts on fire)

Singing alone (singing alone)

There's only one way to know, ah

Just fucking leave me alone

I wish you could read my mind (read my mind)

Or give me a sign (give me a sign)

Or tell me you wanted to be mine (be mine)

This is for the hearts on fire (hearts on fire)

Singing alone (singing alone)

There's only one way to know, ah

When I'm away from you

I'm happier than ever

Wish I could explain it better

I wish it wasn't true, mm-hmm


I have no legal rights to own all of these lyrics or the music. Musics and lyrics are belong to the artist/musician. The remixer/dj just express his own remix from the existing of the original artist/musician. Please understand i rewrote this as helping you to sing along the song from the remixer. Thank you.

Tags :

Illenium billie eilish mashup

Hearts on fire

Happier than ever

Happier than ever x hearts on fire

Happier than ever x hearts on fire mashup

Illenium billie eilish mashup lyrics

Hearts on fire lyrics

Happier than ever lyrics

Happier than ever x hearts on fire lyrics

Happier than ever x hearts on fire mashup lyrics

Johnny chay lyrics

Johnny chay mashup lyrics

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