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Vespa PTS 100

Ramadhan monthis a gift to every moslem in the world. I am the one who have ever felt that gift. A first ride of classic scooter. A year ago, in 2018 i rode Vespa PTS 100. The Vespa belongs to my friend, named Agus.

Many friends of me have this classic scooter but i have no chance to feel the sensation of riding it. Nevermind, it is because i couldn't ask to borrow for some time.

This guy, Agus is my old friend from the same Elementary school. He is enthusiast of classic scooter.

In Ramadhan 2018, Agus rode his scooter to our friend's house, a friend of the same elementary school. We held bukber (buka bersama in Indonesian's muslim culture meaning end of the fast of the day when Maghrib comes and we eat together) and many friends visited. Later, i borrowed his scooter to take a ride for maybe some 1-2 kilometers.


The first impression of riding this scooter is extremely unique for me. The clutch and its gear shifter has the same location, they are on left bar. Actually, i can ride motorcycle with clutch's lever (dry clutch such as sportbike) but Vespa PTS 100 gives me a different impression and sensation of riding it. I really confused to shifting gear while in the middle of ride. LOL, shame on me.

In my opinion, the seat is very terrible because it is too soft for me. When first time i see this vespa, it is incredible and i love every view although it is an old scooter. In future, i have a dream to have one classic Vespa in my garage.

Riding sensation

I rode this scooter for 1-2 km. It was very terrible and exciting at once for the first time to ride it. I was confuse about the clutch's lever and gear shifter. However, it was funny moment and unforgettable. The riding position has the same position with modern Vespa or other scooter, although Vespa PTS 100 has rear brake pedal on right side of dashboard. It was very awkward moment and suddenly i lost control of the navigation, and j almost had mini crash (the scooter is actually fine now and no scratch when its happened).

The Vespa PTS 100 is tiny. My height is 172 cm and when i seated on it, it felt like i am the giraffe sitting on mini one wheeled-bike. For me, the person who have 172 cm height is not very recommend to ride the Vespa PTS 100. But here's my dilemma, i love that scooter so much and wanna have one in my garage.


Vespa PTS 100 is single cylinder 2-stroke scooter bike. This Vespa is also called Small frame Vespa because of its actual frame. Based on the owner, the scooter produced in 1970.

Here is the full spesification based on Vespaholic Indonesia :
  • Maximum body (scooter) length : 1,665 mm
  • Maximum height : 1,015 mm
  • Maximum width : 670 mm
  • Wheel base : 1,180 mm
  • Ground Clearance : 225 mm
  • Turning circle radius : 1,650 mm
  • Dry weight : 73 kg
  • Frame type : Monocoque
  • Engine type : two-stroke with rotating type induction (single cylinder)
  • Engine capacity : 96.12 cc
  • Bore x Stroke : 49 mm x 51 mm
  • Carburator : Dell Orto 19
  • Gas consumption : 1.8 lt / 100 km (CUNA standards)
  • Oil in gasoline ratio : 2%
  • Gas tank capacity : 5.2 litres
  • Transmission system : 3 speed with constant mesh gears
  • Clutch type : wet clutch (Manual)
  • Brake system : drum brake
  • Front and rear tire : 10"/3.00
  • Suspension : Helical Springs and Hydraulic Shock Absorber
  • Electricity : Platina 6V
  • Estimated top speed : 70 km/h or 43 mph (CUNA standards)

In my opinion, it's still worthy to buy and ride Vespa in 2019 although it is small frame Vespa. Many people collect this scooter or ride it for daily use or just take a little ride in morning or evening. For someone who ride the vespa for the first time, you have to make habit ride it well. I can't stop to say thank you to my friend, Agus. Please stalk his instagram to take view of his Vespa PTS 100.

Im sorry if there are some RIP english (poor grammar), hope you understand and enjoy my experience of riding Vespa for the first time. See you later

Rederences and image source

Private image from my friend. Ig :

Private image


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