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Showing posts from June, 2019

Vespa PTS 100

Ramadhan monthis a gift to every moslem in the world. I am the one who have ever felt that gift. A first ride of classic scooter. A year ago, in 2018 i rode Vespa PTS 100. The Vespa belongs to my friend, named Agus. Many friends of me have this classic scooter but i have no chance to feel the sensation of riding it. Nevermind, it is because i couldn't ask to borrow for some time. This guy, Agus is my old friend from the same Elementary school. He is enthusiast of classic scooter. In Ramadhan 2018, Agus rode his scooter to our friend's house, a friend of the same elementary school. We held bukber (buka bersama in Indonesian's muslim culture meaning end of the fast of the day when Maghrib comes and we eat together) and many friends visited. Later, i borrowed his scooter to take a ride for maybe some 1-2 kilometers. Impression The first impression of riding this scooter is extremely unique for me. The clutch and its gear shifter has the same location, they are on ...

Jaring Spider-Man pada versi film

Hey yo what's up guys??? Semoga kalian diberi kesehatan selalu ya, Amin... Well kali ini Bsux bakal bahas tentang jaring Spider-Man. Untuk mengetahui Spider-Man (film), kita harus kembali ke Spider-Man versi Sam Raimi. Spider-Man memang superhero atau karakter favorit gue sejak kecil, walaupun tidak ane sebutkan pada artikel ini . Yah tergolong favorit karena film Spider-Man pada tahun 2000an (2002) cukup menemani masa kecil gue. Apalagi film Spider-Man garapan Sam Raimi (kalo ane sih bilangnya Spider-Man versi Tobey Maguire) mempunyai trilogi-nya tersendiri walaupun pada masa itu Spider-Man belum masuk Marvel Studios. Film Spider-Man versi Tobey Maguire berhenti pada Spider-Man 3 karena masalah internal Sony Picture dan Sam Raimi. Pada akhirnya, berlanjutlah kepada versi reboot yang dimana ditentukan oleh pihak studio (Sony Picture). Dan Muncullah Amazing Spiderman. Pada film The Amazing Spiderman, Peter Parker atau sang manusia laba-laba diperankan oleh Andrew Garfie...