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Need decoration goods made from marmoreal/marble?

The decorations of building increases now. Just not for house, but for other building like hall, mall, office etc. In Indonesia, decoration isn't just handcraft made from recycled garbage. Today, marmoreal is a big deal and promising business and it has been working out to make your home or building more beautiful.

The products of marmoreal have a great durability and longetivity than ceramic's and so this products could be promising for make your building more beautiful in every angle.

You need to see this instagram and take care of your eyes cause maybe it can make your eyes so eyegasm. @potunikterzo has solution to your decoration services. The products are various and purchase-able to worldwide. It has pots, exotic bathtub, ball stone for park etc. You can request the shape of pot or bathtub by pre-order system.

He has been selling many various products of marmoreal to local buyers and some foreign buyers to decore their place. You shouldn't worry about the price. It is start from 60 USD to 300 USD.

If you are planning to buy these products, please contact @potunikterzo soon to get special price.

Available contact via Instagram. Local and international service. If you're planning to make a call from other country, please remove 0 (zero) and add +62 in front of phone number. Example 0822 13xx xxxx to +62 822 13xx xxxx. Please click the link to see the catalogue. Happy shopping 😍😎



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