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Showing posts from August, 2016

Unimportant story. The reason why i live as straight edger

Straight edge. Yeah, straight edge is the faith, the old theory, and the never-die lifestyle. I post this because i'm the one of billions straight edger in the world. But, for beginner who never heard what is straight edge maybe this article is a new commendation for you. And this article is belong to my friend. The great Straight Edge motivator that i ever seen. Let's start from the zero point when straight edge was found --- Straight edge was subculture that born from one song by Minor Threats. A punk and hardcore band that started new theory of punk and hardcore culture. The title of the song was "Straight Edge". The content of the song were some ideas of hardcore or punk that totally different with others punk and hardcore in its age. The lyrics contained the listener to stay away from drugs, alcohol, cigarettes and free sex. --- for more information you can punch this link out. 

Suicide squad in Indonesia

Hello there! This is my first english post. This is a special post for you. I'm going to talk about Indonesian's respond about the Suicide Squad. 